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Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade feels ‘safe’ in Russia after fleeing over safety concerns


Ex-Senate staffer Tara Reade, who accused President Biden of sexual assault, proclaimed Tuesday she feels right at home in Russia after fleeing the United States.

The bewildering announcement was part of an hours-long interview Reade did with Russian state media next to alleged Russian spy and friend Maria Butina as she slammed the West — and lauded how accommodating the Kremlin has been toward her.

“I’m still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,” she said, according to Sputnik News. “I feel very surrounded by protection and safety. And I just really so appreciate Maria and everyone who’s been giving me that at a time when it’s been very difficult to know if I’m safe or not.”

After Biden launched his 2020 campaign for president, Reade accused the Democrat of sexual misconduct dating back to when she worked for his Senate office in the early 1990s.

Biden, 80, has denied the allegations. 

Reade has a public track record of defending President Vladimir Putin and stressed Tuesday she doesn’t see Russia as an enemy.

Tara Reade
Tara Reade has fled the US and moved to Russia.

During the Sputnik interview, she instead blasted US officials, stating she’s received threats due to her allegations against Biden while being ignored by other prominent Democrats and advocacy groups.

She called it “very difficult” to make the move to Russia, but she didn’t want to “walk into a cage or be killed,” according to Sputnik.

“I felt safe and I felt heard and I felt respected,” she said of getting off the plane in Russia.

During the interview, Reade requested Putin grant her citizenship, though she will also retain her American citizenship. She claimed Russia is providing a “safe haven” for other Americans and European citizens.

“And luckily, the Kremlin is accommodating,” she said. “So we’re lucky.”

Joe Biden
Reade accused Joe Biden of sexual assault while he was running for president.

Reade also touched on other issues, including inflation, military spending and other day-to-day concerns Americans have.

Russian officials previously made a bizarre attempt in December to embarrass Biden when they invited Reade to appear before the United Nations Security Council.

But the invite to hear from Reade, reported on by Semafor citing an anonymous source, was rejected by India, which chaired the council at the time. 

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